破 = po4 - smash, tear, cut, break, destroy, and remove
門 = men2 - gate, door, entrance, sect, school, and family
Within Chinese Confucian culture, "Po Men" (Jap: "Ha Mon") refers to a Teacher expelling an individual from a Family Style of Gongfu for the offence of "Disrespect". This is the Western equivalent of being "Disowned" - but means that no-one associated or related with the Teacher (or his Style) can have any further interaction with the accused. Furthermore, the accused is no longer permitted to claim he knows the Teacher, or has ever trained in his Style. Their career in this respect is over. To all intents and purposes, the accused is "Dead" to the accused - and anyone associated or related to the accused. Obviously, this is a very serious offence to be accused of. ACW (6.11.2024)
"Today, information has arrived from Okinawa that Higaonna Sensei has released a 'Hamon' regarding five of his former students:
Nakamura Tetsuji
Ernie Molyneux
Henrik Larson
Yamashiro Katsuya
Jorge Monteiro
Hamon - this is extremely rare and very traditional ceremony for the schools of martial arts in Japan.
Higaonna Sensei waited patiently for two years, giving these people a chance to remember about their place and sense of duty, but, finally, Higaonna Sensei decided to put an end to this era of poor behaviour and disrespect by issuing the 'Hamon'. In Japan, 'Hamon' is very rare and is not something that is used lightly or often, as it denotes unforgivable disrespect.
Many outside of Japan (Okinawa) do not comprehend the seriousness of this injunction. In fact, the 'Certificate of Hamon' is issued by the Head Teacher of the School, when a student(s) previously accepted into the family - has been involved in actions that are so reprehensible (and disgusting) that the O'Sensei has no choice but to permanently 'exclude' (delete) this individual(s) from his family lineage.
"The 'Hamon' is issued to inform all "friends, family, members and acquaintances" that the accused no longer has any ties to the School, the Teacher or his Lineage. The Grades and Honours achieved by such individuals are permanently annulled - and their presence completely expunged from the School's Genealogy."
Сегодня с Окинавы пришла информация о том, что Хигаонна Сэнсей выдал Хамон в отношении пятерых своих бывших учеников:
Накамура Тетсуджи
Эрни Моленью
Хенрик Ларсон
Ямаширо Кацуя
Джордж Монтеиро
Хамон - это чрезвычайно редкий и очень традиционный обряд для школ боевых искусств Японии.
Хигаонна Сенсей терпеливо ждал два года, давая этим людям шанс вспомнить о своей части, но, наконец, решил положить конец этой беспокойной эпохе, выдав Хамон. В Японии «Хамон» выдается очень редко и не является чем-то, к чему относятся легкомысленно. По сути, Сертификат Хамона выдается наставником - главой школы, когда ученик был вовлечен в действия, которые настолько отвратительны, что у Сэнсея нет иного выбора, кроме как вычеркнуть этого члена из его родословной. Хамон выдается для того, чтобы информировать «друзей, семью, членов и знакомых», что получатель Хамона больше не имеет никаких связей со школой, учителем и его наследием. Он полностью исключается из генеалогии школы.
破門 (Хамон) - дословно означает сломать врата. Те самые символические врата-мон, через которые ученик входит в школу.