Ch'an Dao Bag WorkAt the advanced level, the ability to fight within the Ch’an Dao (Mind Way) System is a perfect and well-balanced integration of the ‘external’ and the ‘internal’. Maximum power is permanently ‘coupled’ with maximum manoeuvrability, so that a fighter is both difficult to hit and yet always closing the distance and working to effectively (and decisively) ‘strike’ the opponent so as to remove his or her ability to effectively respond and strike back. It is a matter of constructively ‘removing’ the working space of the opponent and striking with devastating power to the centre-line. The mind is calm and expansive, whilst the bones and joints are ‘aligned’ and the extensively trained musculature is ‘relaxed’ and yet ready to contract with lightning speed. The body is firmly ’rooted’ to the ground, whilst the feet move as if dancing upon pockets of air, whilst any incoming power from the opponent’s blows is directed into the ground through the feet – thus adding to one’s stability and all-round dominance in the combat situation.