Indian Muslim Women Practise Chinese Shaolin Martial Arts
Translator’s Note: The People’s Republic of China respects Islam, Islamic culture, and all Muslim peoples. There are two ethnic groups that are Islamic in China – the Uighurs who are of Turkish descent, and the Hui who are of Arab descent. There are schools of Chinese martial arts preserved within Muslim lineages in China – with many Muslim families adopting the Chinese name ‘Ma’ (馬) – which although literally translates as ‘Horse’ is used in China as a transliteration of the Muslim name ‘Mohammed’ (peace be upon him). China has a policy of sending qualified Shaolin masters abroad to teach authentic Chinese martial arts to any groups who request such guidance. Quite often such groups are invited (with all expenses paid by the PRC) to the Shaolin Temple to train. The young Indian Muslim women have learned Shaolin Longfist and Weaponry to a very high level of skill. A note at the bottom of this article states that this information was first published on the ‘Light of Islam’ webpage situated in Iraq. It seems that an Islamic website in Hong Kong then published it in the Chinese language.
ACW 2.5.2016 In India’s Southern City of Hyderabad, young Muslim women aged 10 – 16 years old (attending St Mary’s Middle School), study and master Chinese Shaolin Martial Arts under an authorised teacher. Lessons are held once a week on school premises and the training includes bare-hand and weapons techniques.
©opyright: Adrian Chan-Wyles (ShiDaDao) 2016.
Original Chinese Language Source Article: 習練中國武術的印度穆斯林少女 印度南部城市海德拉巴的聖-瑪茲中學,一些穆斯林女學生在教練的帶領下習練中國武術。武術是該校每週一次的課程,練習的學生年齡大都在10-16歲。 感謝流覽伊斯蘭之光網站,歡迎轉載並注明出處 |