Rare Photographs of the Shaolin Temple before it was Destroyed in 1928Original Chinese Language Article By: wechatinchina.com
(Translated by Adrian Chan-Wyles PhD) Translator’s Note: These photographs record a very famous and significant Ch’an Buddhist temple that was destroyed in 1928 by the pro-Western, pro-Christion Nationalist Movement that formed the Republican Government of China. The Shaolin Temple in Henan province has always offered an integrated practice of still, seated meditation, and work orientated meditation in the temple grounds, the surrounding agricultural fields, and in the martial arts training halls and outdoor precincts. Perhaps the most astonishing of these pictures is the final plate featuring a small group of Shaolin monks parading in modern military uniforms, and carrying modern rifles. I dedicate this translation to all martial artists who train to end violence and make the world a better place. ACW 28.2.2016
In 1991, the Head Monk of the Shaolin Temple – Venerable Shi Yong Xin – led a delegation of Warrior Monks on a cultural visit to Kyoto, Japan. Whilst in the Bodhidharma Temple of Kyoto, Master Yong Xin discovered the following set of very rare photographs taken of the Shaolin Temple in 1920, by Japanese visitors. These photographs are incredibly rare, as in 1928, the Shaolin Temple was attacked and burned to the ground under orders from Vice President of the Republic (and Christian) Feng Yu Xiang. The actual attack on the Shaolin Temple was carried-out by a Republican general named Shi You San. (The attacking Republican troops killed the monks and ensured that around 90% of the temple’s manuscripts were destroyed). These photographs explain to people alive today, what the old Shaolin temple looked like prior to 1928. ©opyright: Adrian Chan-Wyles (ShiDaDao) 2016.
Original Chinese Language Source Text: http://wechatinchina.com/thread-229195-1-1.html 1928年少林寺被燒,沒人見過那年以前的少林寺, 1991年,少林方丈釋永信率少林武僧團出訪日本,在京都達摩寺作客時發現了下面這些照片,這是1920年一個日本人在少林寺拍攝的。 這批照片十分珍貴,因為在1928年少林寺被馮玉祥部將石友三燒毀了,後人基本沒見過1928年之前的少林寺。 |