Head of Wudang Taijiquan Issues Public ‘Challenge’ to Xu Xiaodong (MMA)
Following the ‘challenge’ match which occurred on April 27th, 2017, in Chengdu – between Xu Xiaodong (徐晓冬) known as the ‘God of MMA’, and Taijiquan Master Lei Gong (雷公) – many have expressed their concern at the unsatisfactory outcome, and the bizarre circumstances leading up to the fight. This has stemmed from Xu Xiaodong’s insistence on presenting his thuggish behaviour as being a legitimate challenge to the entire edifice of traditional Chinese martial arts. As a response, the incumbent ‘head’ of the Wudang (武当) martial arts tradition – the Old Daoist (道长 – Dao Chang) named He Xirui (贺曦瑞) has issued (on 29th April, 2017) an open ‘challenge’ to Xu Xiaodong, stating ‘Xu Xiaodong – if you want to witness the power and effectiveness of genuine Taijiquan, come directly to Wudang Mountain – and the Old Daoist He Xirui will educate you!’
Speaking yesterday, he added ‘The Wudang tradition is very old, and holds many training secrets that are unknown outside of the tradition, and which represent the ‘highest’ aspect of all traditional Chinese martial arts. As I - Old Daoist He Xirui – take full responsibility for this challenge, I welcome you to Wudang Mountain to further your education. This is an important invitation, as you will not be able to challenge the entire network of traditional Chinese martial arts. If you take this challenge, you will be defeated and finally understand the genuine teachings of traditional Chinese martial arts. This experience will help you re-adjust your attitude, and save you time in a pointless and dangerous martial quest. This educational experience I will provide for you free of charge.’ Historical data records that Old Daoist He Xirui is the authentic inheritor of the true and genuine ‘temple’ (院 Yuan) martial arts tradition associated with Wudang Mountain. He is the ‘orthodox’ (正宗 – Zheng Zong) 13th generation inheritor of the ‘Spirit Straight Sword Gate’ (神剑门 - Shen Jian Men) lineage, and the ‘orthodox’ (正宗 – Zheng Zong) 14th generation inheritor of the Wudang Religious Daoist System known as the ‘Hidden Martial School’ (玄武派 – Xuan Wu Pai). This is not surprising, as from his personal profile we learn that he has trained under Li Ruoyu (李若愚) – an esteemed traditional Chinese martial arts teacher, and an expert in Chinese medicine (specialising in healing bone-related injuries), as well as Liu Qirong (刘杞荣) – the former Hunan Wushu team head coach and national stick champion. Old Daoist He Xirui has also received instruction from the famous Wudang Taijiquan and Bagua Zhang expert – Master Lu Zijian (吕紫剑) – who lived until 118 years old. He has also trained with Master Li Guangfu (李光富) – President of the Wudang Religious Daoism Association, Master Huang Wanxiang (黄万祥) – of the Xingyi Quan System, the Shandong Laoshan (崂山) Venerable Old Daoist – Master Kuang Changxiu (匡常修) (also known as ‘Kuang Feitui [匡飞腿] – or ‘Kuang Flying Legs’), and Master Cao Maoen (曹茂恩) - the Shandong Province Wushu Sanda Team Head Coach, as well as many others. Furthermore, he was the 2007- Shenzhen Window of the World - Wushu Sanda Champion. As matters stand, Xu Xiaodong has not officially responded to the ‘challenge’ of Old Daoist He Xirui, but did comment yesterday that he intends to fight three other prominent traditional Chinese martial artists first, namely the bodyguard of actor Ma Yun (马云) – Li Tianjin (李天金), the generational representative of Taijiquan – Master Wang Zhanjun (王战军), and the Shaolin martial arts champion that the Chinese people think is a martial god – namely the ‘Martial Monk First Dragon’ (武僧一龙 – Wu Seng Yi Long). ©opyright: Adrian Chan-Wyles (ShiDaDao) 2017. Original Chinese Language Source Text: http://www.dezhou520.com/html/30/201704/29667.html 徐晓冬欲挑战整个武术界 武当掌门公开发出约战 作者: 来源:搜狐体育 2017-04-30 我要评论 4月27日晚,在成都举行了一场备受搏击迷瞩目的另类巅峰对决,“MMA教父”徐晓冬只用了5秒(比赛时间为13秒)就KO雷公太极。徐晓冬对中国武术的叫板,让很多人不满,武当现任掌门贺曦瑞道长近日通过微博发布公开约战称:“徐晓东,如果要见识一下太极,直接来武当山领教贺曦瑞道长。” 昨日,武当掌门贺曦瑞公开发声称:“欢迎你们来武当山见识一下武当山玄真功夫院长贺曦瑞道长的功夫,见识一下真正的太极,看看太极到底能不能打?世界功夫看中国,中国功夫看武当!太极真正的发源地。让你开开眼界太极到底能不能打。” 资料显示,武当道教玄真功夫院院长贺曦瑞道长,系武当功夫玄真神剑门十三代正宗传人,武当道教玄武派十四代正宗传人道号玄炳。在他的个人简介里我们可以看到,贺曦瑞先后从师著名武术家中医伤骨名师李若愚,前湖南省武术队总教练全国棍王刘杞荣,武当太极、八卦掌名师当代武林寿星118岁的吕紫剑,武当山道教协会李光富会长、形意拳名师黄万祥,山东崂山匡常修(匡飞腿)道长,山东省武术散打队总教练曹茂恩等名师。他在2007年深圳世界之窗武术散打锦标赛中曾获得冠军。 徐晓冬迄今暂时并没有对贺曦瑞发出的公开约战信息作出回应,但他昨日表示:“我要向所有传统武术的掌门人、最好的大家、最有名的名师挑战,我要去跟他们切磋。让中国武术展现给百姓。我要向更多的人发起挑战。”至于自己现在最想挑战的三个对手,武当掌门却并不在其中,徐晓冬说:“首先我要找马云的保镖李天金;还有一个是号称太极里实战第一人,王战军;最后一个是目前中国老百姓把他捧为神的人——武僧一龙。” |