Wheelchair Taiji Team Secures Wushu Grand Prize
Original Chinese Language Article By: http://www.baibuting.cn
(Translated by Adrian Chan-Wyles PhD) On the 27th November, 2011, the Hankou Sports Centre hosted the Third Hubei Wuhan Yangze River – North-South Martial Arts Competition. Amongst the competitors was the Baibuting ‘Pine Crane’ Taijiquan team that was successful in the 16 Style Wheelchair Taijiquan and the 32 Style Wheelchair Taijiquan Long Sword categories.
The Baibuting ‘Pine – Crane’ team is comprised of many people with lower limb disabilities, as well as other, different types of disabilities, such as deafness, blindness, and cognitive issues. These people are extraordinary, because they have to try harder than able-bodied people to attain the level of excellence they have achieved. Many members of this team have suffered and sacrificed to get where they are today and their example should serve as an inspiration to all other martial artists. Everybody who practices martial arts shares a common motivation to develop the mind and body and perfect technique and character. Disabled martial artists have grace, poise, determination, calmness and a tremendous inner strength and will-power to succeed. Watching their performance is an inspiration to everyone, and much is learned as a consequence! At 10am, the team began to assemble at the local meeting point, and together with a number of volunteers to assist, the team members gathered together their equipment, clothing and other necessary objects, boarded the bus to the competition. Many different able-bodied martial arts teams gathered at the sports centre, all practising their various martial drills and weaponry. The ‘Pine – Crane’ team, due to their disabilities, did not do this as they had already prepared themselves in the months leading-up to this event. They gathered together quietly and with dignity – they were unfazed by the other competitors. Instead, the disabled competitors showed a very deep and strong heroic strength premised upon a confidence gained from facing hardship and suffering during their lives. Everything was calm, until the music began that signalled the 16 Style Wheelchair Team to take to the floor. The entire atmosphere in the stadium suddenly changed – as all eyes were on the incredible unfolding performance. Any spectators were surprised, but all were impressed, as many had never seen wheelchair martial arts before. As the performance ended, there was a stunned silence – and then an outbreak of incredible applause, cheering, and appreciation! When the beautiful music used by the ‘Pine – Crane’ sounded again, the audience became quiet as the 32 Style Wheelchair Taijiquan Long Sword display began. There was no jumping or fast spinning – but there was exact and precise execution of sword strikes, thrusts, parries, deflections, blocks and traps! Each move, and collection of moves, were stunning in their speed and accuracy which was combined with an ingenious use of physical limitation. This display was full of fighting-spirit and heroic demeanour. The audience was enthralled to watch the inter-play of ‘hard’ (yang) and ‘soft’ (yin) techniques performed to a steady rhythm. When the ‘Pine – Crane’ Team finished their routine, not only did they receive a standing ovation, but even the usually impartial referee stood-up, applauded and gave them the ‘thumbs-up’ sign! Then the judges announced the maximum score of ‘9.0’! Very rarely is this score given to any martial arts performance. This was a just reward for the performance and all the effort this team had put into their training and other preparation. Performing Taijiquan whilst in a wheelchair gained the respect of the Hubei martial arts community, and this success demonstrated that people with disabilities can live independent and fulfilling lives and achieve things for themselves.
The Baibuting ‘Pine – Crane’ and ‘Pine – Yang’ Taijiquan Teams are trained by the old teacher Zhong Biao (钟彪) and the success at this competition proves the effectiveness of the training methods. After the event, when back in their home community, people came from far and wide to congratulate the team and talk to their teacher – many being reluctant to leave. Everyone was happy and Zhong Biao said that the winning of this award was very good for the community and should serve to encourage others to train in martial arts – regardless of any limitations. The joy was palpable! (Correspondent: Chen Daizhi -陈代枝) ©opyright: Adrian Chan-Wyles (ShiDaDao) 2016. Original Chinese Language Source Text: http://www.baibuting.cn/activity/2011-11-28/13224676672210.html 残疾人轮椅太极获第三届长江南北武术大赛特等奖 11月27日,在汉口体育中心举办了第三届湖北武汉长江南北武术大赛,在这次武术大赛上,百步亭"松·鹤"太极队取得了十六式轮椅太极拳和三十二式轮椅太极剑的特等奖。 百步亭"松·鹤"太极队的队员们除了下肢残疾外,还有盲残和智残。为了参加这次武术大赛,他们牺牲了许多休息时间,克服种种困难,认真刻苦地训练。大家都有一个共同的愿望:既然大赛组委会给了我们残疾人展示自己的舞台,那就要比出残疾人的风采,赛出残疾人的自信和自强,以优异的表现来回报为残疾人无私奉献的老师们! 早上10点,大家就聚集在二居委会,换好服装,在志愿者们的帮助下,登上开往体育中心的汽车,抵达赛场。来自全省各地的武术代表队和个人都竞相展示着自己的飒爽英姿。轮到"松·鹤"轮椅太极上场了,虽没有整齐的步伐,没有响亮的号令,却有着残疾人的坚定信念。一切似乎都是那么的平静,但随着十六式轮椅太极拳的配乐"一廉幽梦"的音乐响起,赛场气氛突然间发生了很大的变化,开始分散在六个赛场的观众,眼光全都向轮椅太极队的第五赛场汇集过来,他们用好奇、惊讶的目光看着这些特殊的参赛者。当一套太极拳打完,热烈地掌声和叫好声经久不息,场面真是让人震撼! 当优美的"梁祝"配乐再度响起,全场立即安静下来,只见长剑翻飞,红缨飘扬,虽没有灵活的跳跃动感,却有成稳的侠者风范;虽没有矫健的步伐,却有太极剑的刚柔之美!整个赛场人人都在感动着、被感动着。当三十二式轮椅太极剑完成后,全场掌声雷动,就连裁判都全体起立,竖起了大拇指。"9.0"分,掌声再一次雷鸣般地响起,这是整个赛场的最高分。这高分,不仅是对大家的肯定,也是对大家最大的安慰。轮椅太极队的队员们以其特有的方式,展示着残疾人的自信、自强,赢得了湖北武术界的好评。 长久以来,百步亭"松·鹤"太极队和钟彪老师以及百步亭"松·杨"太极队的老师们的辛苦付出在这一刻终于有了回报!赛后回到社区,大家围着老师们,久久不愿离去。 "真想不到,我们也能得到特别奖"、"今天是我这一生中最快乐的一天"大家你一言我一语的讨论着,欣喜之情溢于言表。 正如钟彪老师常对大家说的:"肢体残缺,同样能'武'出你们的精彩人生!"(通讯员 陈代枝) |