I have translated the following!
'東恩納寬量先生(1853年4月17日-1915年)生於琉球那霸西村慎姓的士族商人家,排行第四子,唐名(中文名)慎善熙 ,名乘寬量,為新參士族慎氏第11代子孫。東恩納寬量先生是明治時期空手道的代表人物,那霸手中興之祖,也是剛柔流之先师(刚柔流的流祖宫城长顺先生之师)。因為他的武藝過人,在青年時,曾有「唐手東恩納」的稱號。虽然東恩納寬量先生出身於士族家,其父亲在琉球國時代位階筑登之親雲上,但1879年 位阶制度被废除后才返回冲绳的東恩納寬量先生没有取得任何的位階封号。'
'Mr Higaonna Kanryo (東恩納寬量 - Dong En Na Kuan Liang) [April 17, 1853 - 1915] - was born in the western area of Naha, on Ryukyu Island. He was born in the 'Shen' (慎) Surname Village to a noble family of merchants. He was ranked as the fourth son. His 'Tang' (唐) or 'Chinese' name was '慎善熙' (Shen Shanxi). His two first names translate as '熙' (Shan) which means 'Virtue' and '熙' (Xi) which refers to perpetual 'brightness'! His local name was '寬量' (Kuan Liang) or 'Kan Ryo' in the Okinawan language. As he was from a merchant family, the name 'Kan Ryo' translates as 'Broad Quantity' - implying the transportation of the large quantity of goods which results in the earning of great profits for his family and clan!
He was the 11th generation descendant of the original Shen (熙) clan settlers sent from Fujian province in China to Okinawa in 1392 CE by the emperor of China. As a result, because of this historical association with China, his family was considered to be part of the Okinawan nobility. During the Meiji Restoration Period, Mr Higaonna Kanryo was a very important innovator in the martial art that became known as 'Empty Open-Hand Way' (空手道 - Kong Shou Dao). He is also considered the Founding Patriarch of 'Naha Open-Hand' (那霸手 - Na Ba Shou) School - known as 'Naha Te' in the Okinawan language! Indeed, his main disciple - Miyagi Chojun (宫城长顺 - Gong Cheng Zhang Shun) - is famous for inheriting the martial art of Naha Te and developing this system into the 'Goju' (刚柔 - Gang Rou) or 'Hard-Soft' School of Karate-Do! Due to his outstanding martial arts ability from an early age, Higaonna Kanryo was known as 'Tang Open-Hand' (唐手 - Tang Shou) Higaonna! Even ethnic Chinese people referred to Higaonna Kanryo by this honorific title!
Whilst learning martial arts in China, Higaonna Kanryo's father passed away. As Higaonna Kanryo came from a noble family - he did not inherit his father's title when he returned to Okinawa. This was because the nation of Japan had invaded and annexed the Okinawan part of China in 1879 and had abolished all ranks of nobility that had their historical roots in the ethnic Chinese settlement of the island! The new Japanese administration raised a different Naha family (known for its loyalty to Japan) above the Higaonna clan - which was punished for its association with China.'
'刚柔流空手道的由来: <--- 东恩纳宽量 东恩纳宽量对自己所学的拳术不敢自满,希望能继续深造,於是他不远千里来到中国福建省福州一带,希望能另寻名师习艺,直至三十五岁(到中国境时约二十岁)才回到琉球岛的那霸市。回到那霸市之后,他将平生所学得的武术加以整理,去芜存菁,再加上一些琉球手和日本柔术,创立了雄劲有力,马步稳健的「那霸手唐手」,称「昭灵流」,在那霸市奠定了他一代宗师的地位。'
'The origin of Goju Ryu karate: <--- Higaonna Kanryo. Higaonna Kanryo was not complacent about the 'Fist Art' (拳术 - Quan Shu) he had learned! He continuously strove to acquire new knowledge and understanding! This attitude motivated him to travel thousands of miles to Fuzhou in Fujian province! He had been told that this area possessed the best martial arts, and so he travelled there to seek out a teacher. He did not return to Naha city (in Ryukyu) until he was 35 years old (having left Ryukyu when he was 20 years old). It was during this stage of his life that he consolidated all the martial arts (武术 - Wu Shu) knowledge he had acquired so far in China. He rejected those techniques which had no obvious health benefits and/or combat effectiveness. Overly repetitive movements were reduced to the correct number suitable for effective training on both sides of the body. In other words, Higaonna Kanryo removed what he considered to be 'superfluous' technique - viewing such unnecessary material as being the 'by-product' of 'accumulated errors' built-up over centuries through the Master to Disciple transmission process. He then added certain indigenous Ryukyu (琉球 - Liu Qiu) martial techniques (手 - Te) together with elements of the Japanese martial art of Jiu-Jitsu (柔术 - Rou Shu). This refining process generated a martial art renowned for its 'vigour' (雄劲 - Xiong Jing) as well as its obvious 'powerful strength' (力 - Li). The holding of a deep and strong 'Horse Stance' (马步 - Ma Bu) was central for developing health and martial mind-body strength! Higaonna Kanryo referred to this style as 'Naha-Hand - Chinese-Hamd' (那霸手唐手 - Na Ba Shou - Tang Shou). This Naha-based style was also known as 'Shoryo Ryu' (昭灵流 - Zhao Ling Liu). Due to this evolutionary process, Higaonna Kanryo became recognised as a Founding Patriarch of a very powerful, deadly and proficient fighting art (considered one of the main prototypes of what would later become known as 'Karate-Do') which - although containing many diverse elements - possessed roots deeply embedded in the soil of Naha city!'