a) 'September 16th, 1989' - when Lin Weigong made the official announcement that he had discovered the name of the Chinese Master of the 'Whooping Crane Fist' - that is 'Xie Chongxiang' (謝崇祥) [1852-1930]- also known as Xie Ru Ru (謝如如) and 'Ru Ru Ge' (如如哥) - who was the teacher of the Higaonna Kanryo [1853-1915] (from Okinawa) during the 19th century.
b) 'June 9th, 1990' - a black marble "Monument of Achievement" was raised in the southwest corner of the Fuzhou New Sports Centre by the Japanese and Okinawa Karate Association in memory of the Chinese Master Xie Ru Ru (謝如如) also known as 'Ru Ru Ge' (如如哥) - the Chinese teacher of the Okinawan Master Higaonna Kanryo!
Therefore, the year '2019' marks the 30th Anniversary of the announcement of the discovery of 'Xie Chongxiang' (謝崇祥) - whilst the year '2020' marks the 30th Anniversary of the raising of the black marble stele - and I believe the confusion (and conflation) of these two dates is the reason 'why' the news story continues to be associated with two different years (2019 and 2020). As not all of the historical data is present in any one single text (as the authors assume their readership already possesses a working knowledge of the story at hand), I have borrowed from at least three versions and have weaved a coherent historical narrative together. There was around eight months between Lin Weigong's historical announcement - and the Japanese - Okinawan Karate Association (representing 'Goju Ryu') organising the fund raising, commissioning, construction and transportation of the black marble stele - which is inscribed using Japanese language ideograms. The primary pictures in this article feature the stele and are dated from 1990 and 2000. The main stone tablet (and supporting base stele) both commemorate - with great respect - the eternal friendship that exists between China and Japan. This very close and fraternal relationship is embodied (and epitomised) through the creative (historical) interaction that took place between Xie Chongxiang and Higaonna Kanryo! May this interaction between the cultures of these two countries be forever fruitful! ACW (15.8.2022)

Kamiesu Choho, Hirota Nakaima and Kosuke Kamiya, etc.
Selection of Important Extracts: