亚瑟的笔记:美国网站“Bullshido”显然是由美国白人青年设计的,他们表现出对整个国家普遍存在的对亚洲文化的种族主义无视。该网站的作者认为,通过种族地歪曲日本古老而合法的“武士道”(武士道 - 中文发音为武士道)的武术概念 - 他们是 a) '有趣' 和 b) 提出关于'的'观点'非法的'武术学校和教练等。问题是他们正在使用以欧洲为中心的种族主义模式来歪曲亚洲武术('Bullshido'代替'Bushido'),同时声称'暴露'非正宗的武术团体和其他此类举措,不仅在西方 - 而且在亚洲!下面的另一封电子邮件显然有一把斧头要和我一起磨——但更喜欢成为一名互联网键盘侠——而不是亲自出现在我面前。我的学生没有一个这么无知,更没有这么胆小!自己想想,让自己的想法! 釋大道
Dear TSM
Thank you for your interesting 'anti-intellectual' email.
Thank you also, for drawing my attention to this issue – as I was unaware of its existence. If you are referring by stating ‘finally been exposed’ - to an unknown event that seemingly happened ‘nine-years ago’ with zero impact upon my life - then you probably have a point! I have to say that the alleged ‘Complainee’ seems very unsure of themselves and not quite believing in their allotted task. I also have to say that as complaints go – this is very unconvincing and dare I say ‘cowardly’ as the ‘Complainee’ hides their true name behind the anonymity of the internet. The timing is also a little off, as Sutton Council closed all the affordable training halls in the area around 2010 – and I stopped the single Sunday morning (public) training class around September, 2011. This post was made on May 2nd, 2012 – some eight months after public classes ended – and was made by someone who joined the White American (racist) site ‘Bullshido’ who made only two-posts before never posting again. It is always better to check facts, dates and known history before placing all your eggs in one basket – as you may end-up with egg on your face...
Best Wishes
Email: 9.10.2021
Dear Shit-Pooh
Hahaha! I see you have finally been ‘exposed’ on Bulshitdo! It’s about time! Enjoy the infamy – loser!
F’ck China and f’ck you!
The Silent Majority!